Combination Creates Unparalleled Range of Multimodal Services
▪ Integration in Sogestran group brings opportunities on ship design and ship renewal for Dubbelman
▪ Existing high-end quality services Dubbelman continue to serve its Clients, and will add highly frequent calls at Lauterbourg Rhine Terminal,
Sogestran’s pied-à-terre near Karlsruhe
▪ Combined companies offer high-class multimodal services on all major French waterways (Seine, Rhône, North of France) as well as on river Rhine
▪ Sea ports called are Marseille-Fos, Le Havre, Dunkirk, Zeebrugge, Antwerp, Rotterdam
▪ Own specialized container fleet of over 20 vessels
▪ Main operational offices in Le Havre and Lage Zwaluwe (half way in between Antwerp and Rotterdam)
Le Havre (France) and Lage Zwaluwe (The Netherlands), July 15th, 2021:
Sogestran group and Dubbelman today announced the latter’s acquisition
by and integration in Sogestran Logistics, Sogestran group’s holding for all multimodal activities. This integration will be formalized by the end of July. With this agreement, Dubbelman Container Transporten, specialist of container transports in the Upper Rhine region, joins Logi Ports Shuttle, operating multimodal services in the Rhône valley (Lyon) as well as in the Seine valley (Paris, Compiègne), Nord Ports Shuttle, operating barge services in the North of France (Lille, Dourges) as well as a rail product between Dunkirk and Metz, and Blue Line Logistics, providing urban logistics services in Antwerp and Paris. Le Havre based Sogestran group is present in France’s major logistic sites, and disposes of offices and agencies in Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bratislava, French Guyana.
« Sogestran’s know-how on inland shipping and the recent move of one of Sogestran’s estuary barges to Zeebrugge is a perfect illustration of the synergies we will develop for our customers : Dubbelman is the first operator to propose fast and reliable express services from the Upper Rhine to the three Benelux sea ports Antwerp, Rotterdam and Zeebrugge » says Petric Dubbelman, who will continue to lead the Dubbelman activities from the office in Lage Zwaluwe.
« Dubbelman’s quality image in the Upper Rhine region and its position in Lage Zwaluwe, half way between Antwerp and Rotterdam, as well as its operational integration with all sea port container terminals gives us the opportunity to first start with barging activities in the Benelux, and in a second phase, develop synergies for our clients and enhance our services portfolio » says Pascal Girardet, Sogestran group’s CEO. The company’s name is not to change. According to Pascal Girardet « the majority of the clients have chosen to work with Dubbelman Container Transporten for life-long periods, so we will not change this name. »
For more information (press), please contact :
Mr. Ferenc SZILAGYI | Sogestran
Cell : +33 675 09 32 53
Mail : ferenc.szilagyi@sogestran.com
languages spoken : Dutch, English, French, German
About Sogestran group :
Family owned private company since 1948, Le Havre based ship owner and
transport company. Own fleet > 200 vessels, both waterborne and sea going.
About Dubbelman Container Transporten :
Family owned private company since 1980, Lage Zwaluwe (near Rotterdam)
based ship owner and transport company. Own fleet of 14 container vessels,
designed to improve capacity, even in case of low waters. The company is
specialised in the Upper Rhine area.